Classi Prime


Cardinal numbers

Days of the week

School objects

greetings, social English and classroom language

school subjects 

countries and nationalities 

be expressions

model for introductions

introduction (schema presentazione)

personal questions

the family

ordinal numbers



game: a room

game: parts of the house

game: bedrooms

game: the living room

game: the kitchen

game: the garden

a house: picture

daily routine

picture routine

the human body

game: the body

physical and psychological description

describing people: listening

physical description crossword

game: physical description

psychological description crossword

guess who? 





Pronouns subject

Pronouns subject and verb BE 1

Pronouns subject and verb BE 2

Verb BE (affirmative)

Verb BE: interrogative

Verb BE: negative

Verb BE: interrogative and short answers

Verb BE: subjects and short answers A

Verb BE: subjects and short answers B

Pronouns subject in short answers

Wh- questions 

Answers and questions: exercise


Plural: exercises 

Demonstrative adjectives

genitive and demonstratives: exercises

possessive adjectives 1: exercises

possessive adjectives 2: exercises

possessive adjectives 3: exercises

possessive adjectives 4: exercises

Time prepositions

game: time prepositions

game: frequency adverbs

present simple (+/?/-): exercise

present simple and wh- questions 1

present simple and frequency

present simple and wh- questions 2

present simple and free time activities

present simple and wh- questions 3

revision present simple reading comprehension 1

revision present simple dialogue writing 1

revision present simple reading comprehension 2

revision present simple dialogue writing 2

present simple and continuous

present simple and continuous: exercises



Phonemic chart